Starfleet in “Star Trek” (Kelvin Timeline)
10 min readDec 31, 2024
Title: Starfleet
Type: deep space exploratory and defense service maintained by the United Federation of Planets
Slogan: unknown
Movies: “Star Trek” (2009), “Star Trek Into Darkness” (2013) by J. J. Abrams and “Star Trek Beyond” (2016) by Justin Lin
Logo Author: unknown / film crew
Typeface: none
Logo in Intefaces
Uniform: General
Unifrom: Admiralty
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255)
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255) — Duty Uniform: Command
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255) — Dress Uniform: Command
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255)—Duty Uniform: Sciences
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255) — Dress Uniform: Sciences
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255) — Duty Uniform: Operations
Uniform: Starfleet U.S.S. Kelvin (2255) — Duty Uniform: Medical
Unifrom: Suits
Other Unifrom
Starships: Starfleet U.S.S. Franklin
Bonus: Starbase Yorktown
All images are the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation
unless stated otherwise and used under fair use